Nestled along the southern coast of Maine, the Kittery Outlets are a shopper’s paradise. Known as “America’s Maine Street for Shopping,” this iconic stretch boasts over 120 stores, offering everything from designer fashion to kitchenware at unbeatable...
As the holiday season approaches, don’t forget about December’s often-forgotten cousin: November. Many people book trips during Christmas, but November is just as good a time as any to enjoy the relaxing comforts of the glorious state of Maine. It’s essential to plan...
Southern Maine has long been a destination for couples, families, and solo travelers. There’s no better time to visit than during the holiday season, when businesses are bustling and alluring Christmas lights are aglow. This year, consider taking a holiday vacation to...
The Stage Neck Inn in York Harbor is a vacation destination for many reasons. There are picturesque beaches to enjoy, historic sites to take in, shopping, fine dining, and more. One of the great things about York is the town’s proximity to other must-see locations....
Many visitors to the Pine Tree State don’t realize how large the agriculture business is in Maine. With thousands of farms and rich soil to support diverse crops, Maine supplies the United States and the world with a variety of commodities. If you ate blueberries and...
There’s more to celebrating a new year than watching a ball drop on television or fighting the crowds at your local watering hole to buy an overpriced drink. New Year’s Eve is a time to let go of past disappointments and welcome a new season of hope with old friends...